Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cycle 1 Day 8 Results

Thursday morning, John and I left for the Infusion Center to arrive for our 9am chemo.  I kept thinking about that song, Tonights' gonna be a good night--I love that song.  This time they up'd my benedryl due to a late flushing reaction last week.  Chemo was IP TAXOL, IV Saline  and they decreased the saline by 1 litre due to a leaking out my laparoscopy incision last week.  Infusion went really well, I rolled from side to side to keep the fluids even and felt very comfortable when I left at around 2:00.  So comfortable that we went to Burger King and John got me a baby cheeseburger and baby chocolate shake for the ride home!  I gobbled it down!  The evening went well, minimal discomfort and I was excited for a good dinner of BBQ chicken, rice, salad and vegetables.
Around 11:30 I started a little flushing again, so took 50mg Benedryl.  It was more comfortable for me on the couch to lay on my side, so I elected to stay there.  About 4am, the vomiting began, several sessions every hour until 7:30am.  I didn't sign up for this!!!!  Beyond exhaustion, I was able to sleep for a couple hours and then we went back to the Infusion Center to their Urgent Care center.  My nurse Katie, met us there.  When she found they wouldn't be able to access my IV port and I would have to get another IV put in,  she had John put me in a wheelchair and take me back downstairs to the Infusion Center where they found me a chair and Katie got in her scrubs and accessed my IV port!!  I stayed for two hours of saline with potassium and an additional anti nausea medication IV that should work for several days.  I slept through the whole thing, but my wonderful husband was there every minute and my sister waiting at home for our return.  I slept most of the evening and all through the night.  Today I am living the BRAT diet--remember that one from raising our kids: bread, rice, applesause, tea.  I had a shower a few minutes ago and I'm feeling back in the saddle again.  Hopefully by mid week I'll be in shape to enjoy the next week before we begin Cycle 2.  Thank you for the emails, gifts, cards, love and support.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping for that good break from all of this during your off treatment time. Sounds like some pancakes may be in order later in the week. Love you.
