My surgery went well. Dr Chen was very pleased when he went in--he was able to remove both tumors and scar tissue on my right side, probably from the IP port I had two years ago. He was very pleased there was no "sprinkling" of visible cancer. Although the smaller tumor was against my colon, it had not penetrated, so no resection was necessary!! I spent three nights in the hospital and then was released on Day 4 for good behavior!!! I must say, El Camino Hospital is ***** 5 STAR! The staff are incredible and so friendly-loved them all.
My first week home was a little rough, but once I stopped the pain meds, my stomach felt better and I have been getting stronger everyday.

I had many slumber parties at our home with various "caregivers" and spent Easter with my sister, Debbie's family and our niece and nephew, Becky and Dan and their son Darin from Colorado
I had my staples removed on Friday March 29th and that made sleeping a lot more comfortable. My appt with Dr. Chen on April 4th confirmed the diagnosis it is an Ovarian Cancer recurrence with the same serous cell carcinoma. The further tests on the tumors show I am still sensitive to platins, so I will be getting the same chemo Carboplatin, but he would like to try Doxil this time instead of Taxol with it. He says it is showing great results with recurrences--he called Doxil the "Trojan Horse" of chemos!!
So, I will be seeing my NP Eva on Monday April 8, which is two years to the date I had my original surgery!! She will make all the arrangements and if all goes well, I have a reservation for chemo Thurs. April 11th. The good thing about Doxil is it is a once a month infusion, for four months. No hair loss (yay), supposedly less nausea and less neuropathy. There are some side effects but I'm not going to think about those at this time!!! Remember you move towards what you picture in your mind, and I am only picturing returning to our beautiful new RV in Ft Lauderdale Florida by mid July!!!!
Chelsea and I had a wonderful day at Andriana's baby shower yesterday!
Our sweet baby Matilda turned one year old on April 5th! Today is her birthday party--wish we could be there! Love you Matilda!!
Thanks for the update, Bobby! Your family is beautiful, the babies adorable, and your attitude cannot be beat! See you soon!